21SS WEEK5 Supreme store lottery agency

Posted by Peguinkicks on

Supreme Week5 store lottery agency details


・If you receive a rejection SMS (usually received around 18:00), please be sure to send us an unedited (no cropping, etc.) screenshot by 10:00 pm on the same day via Twitter DM or email.
- If you have not received the SMS, please provide a screenshot of the part you received from Supreme scrolling down (with the bar on the right side pulled down) so that we can see that you have not received it.
・Please note that if we do not receive a notification of failure by 10pm on the day, we will consider you a winner and your payment request will be finalized.
・By submitting the form, you are deemed to have agreed to the above.
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Please be assured that no amount will be charged if your entry is successful but you are unsuccessful.
There is also data in which you will not win no matter how many times you successfully send the lottery.
In that case, we recommend that you change your phone number and email address when making your request.
*For large orders (those who wish to make a request for 20 or more), please do not submit the form.
We also accept submissions in Excel files. Please contact us separately via DM after purchasing tickets)
Total number of winners for each store
Top 40% 8,000-
Medium 35% 4,500-
Bottom 25% 2,500-
Rejection of procedures after winning 3,000
Failed 0
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Example) If the total number of Supreme Daikanyama winners is 400
1-160 8,000-
161- up to 300 4,500-
301-400 to 2,500-
Rejected or failed to send 0-
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8,000-Please wait for the automatic reply email after purchasing the ticket.
↓ ↓ ↓
If the lottery transmission fails → Full refund If the lottery transmission is successful → You win the lottery (You will receive an SMS) *There is no need to present a screenshot at this time* → Successful proxy → The winning number will be sent the next day Please DM me the screenshot → Request

→ If you were unsuccessful in the lottery (you will receive an SMS around 18:00), please DM the screenshot → Full refund.

This is the flow.
Have obeyed,
The screenshot you need is
1.Screenshot in case of rejection
2. If you win, you will receive two screenshots of the winning number that will be sent to you the next day.

*If you do not receive an SMS, it will be considered a failure to send. You can check the transmission status here, so if you do not receive an SMS even if the transmission is successful, we may ask you to provide a screenshot of the received part.
Also, if the sending is successful but the SMS is not received, there may be a problem with the device or line status.
Therefore, we may decline your next request as there is a high possibility that your request will not be received in the future.
Thank you for your understanding in advance.

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